Husband: William (Willie) Edward Wood
Father: Davis Morton Wood [R255]
Mother: Sarah Eleanor (Reynolds) Wood [R255]
Born: 3/23/1858, in Botetourt County
Died: 8/18 or 28/1928, buried in the Wood Family Cemetery near
Glen Wilton
Wife: Mary Sue (McKenney) Wood
Father: Luther McKenney
Mother: Mary E. McKenney
Born: 12/9/1875, in Amherst County Va.
Died: 10/25/58, buried in the Wood Family Cemetery near Glen Wilton
Married: 5/9/1900, in Botetourt County
Arthur Morton Wood, 8/23/1904-4/12/1982 [R280]
Granddaughter Antonia Wood McCoy [S083] writes:
“Mary Sue McKinney, daughter of Thomas Luther McKinney and Mary Elizabeth Jones was born December 9, 1875 and came to Glen Wilton in the mid- to late-1890’s. The family had lived in Concord, Stonewall, Appomattox, Walker’s Ford, Gilmer’s Mill, and Roaring Run before moving to Glen Wilton. (Louise Mariah [Lou] McKinney, younger sister to Mary Sue, is said to have commented they were moving ‘to the sticks’ when they came to Glen Wilton!!!)
“This pretty young lady met William Edward Wood who was much older than she and they were married May 9, 1900. To them was born one son—Arthur Morton Wood on August 23, 1904. After her marriage she lived at the homeplace (Pleasant Hill, Fig. R266a) along with her new in-laws. Sue, as she was called, died October 25, 1959. She was a wonderful, caring person; a beautiful seamstress and a good cook. She was a faithful servant to God and went to her knees each night to say her prayers. She adored her son and her three granddaughters and spoiled us mightily, showering us with lots of love. She made our dresses, fed us toast cut in three slices when we were ill (which in itself was a cure), set us upon her lap and told us all kinds of bedtime stories, which were her originals. One of our favorites was about the three dogs; namely, Ringo, Trueboy, and Trippie-up-the-Tree.
“Martha Sue remembered a practice she had of ALWAYS taking a bath each night before she went to bed no matter how cold it was (and this was in the days of unheated houses except in the kitchen and ‘sitting room’) because when she was a young girl her mother had told her about this woman in the neighborhood who did not bathe and got sick during the night. They had to call the doctor and the woman’s feet were dirty and stinky. ‘Grandma’ always said she would never have anyone say that about her. Martha Sue also fondly remembered her Grandmother telling her to try to keep the homeplace so there would always be a place to come home to—her family had moved so much when she was growing up and she knew that empty feeling.
“William Edward Wood, son of Davis Morton Wood and Sarah Eleanor Reynolds, apparently worked ‘away from home’ in Lexington and Roanoke, Va. as a ‘machinist’ and returned home probably in the 1890’s to go to work at the iron ore mines in Glen Wilton and also to help with the farm as his parents were in their upper seventies by then. He died August 18, 1928.
“As best as can be recalled, we would venture to say he was quiet, strict and maybe known as a gentleman farmer. One story passed down had to tell about his being strict and expecting his son to do as he was told. Will was working in the fields and Arthur was ill and had some ‘nasty’ medicine to take which he refused to do. He ran upstairs and locked the bedroom door. Nora and Jessie Wood had come up for a visit (from just across the field) and doted on Arthur as much as his mother and two aunts (Lucy and Lelia). Sue (Arthur’s mother) was afraid Will would come home and spank Arthur for his refusal to take his medicine. She had Nora and Jessie to go to the door and talk to him while she climbed a ladder and went thru the window to get him.”