Husband: John R. Stull
Father: George Stull
Born: 1774, in Augusta County Va.
Died: 7/4/1853, in Botetourt County Va.
Wife: Mary (Wood) Stull
Father: Joseph Wood [R002]
Mother: Martha (Epperson) Wood [R002]
Born: 1/6/1768
Died: Before 1850
Married: 3/31/1804, in Botetourt County Va. Bondsman, Edward Wood; consent by father, Joseph Wood, who testified that Mary was over 21—in fact, she was ~36; witnesses, Edward and Thomas Wood; minister, John Helms [S008]
Children (named in John’s will):
George Stull ~1806-~1880 in Botetourt County; no record of children
Sarah (Sally) Stull, b. ~1809. Married Edmund T. Wingo, 9/18/1850,
Minister John M. Cochran. This was a double wedding, with cousin
Martha F. Wood (dau. of Thomas Wood [R252]) and Thomas W.
Malone. In 1880, Sarah was living in Missouri. She had at least one
son (b. ~1812), who does not appear in the 1850 census and is not
mentioned in the John Stull will.
Brothers of John were Daniel Stull (m. 5/6/1799 to Sarah Patterson; ch. Jacob, James, Mary...) and George Stull (b. ~1800, m. 7/16/1806 to Jane Bass, ch. Samuel, John, Jacob...).
In the eighteenth century John’s father George began acquiring land on the James River in Botetourt County, just downstream of what was to become Joseph Wood’s [R002] homestead. DB3-74 records his purchase of 90 acres, tract S1 of Fig. R002c, from George Poage for £1000. In 1786 he patented an additional 200 acres on the North side of the James River [S085]. On 9/16/1802 Joseph and Martha Wood [R002] sold tract J5 in Fig. R002c, 54 acres, to George Stull, just a month after they had bought it (along with 400 other acres) from the estate of Alexander Breckenridge (DB8-53).
Joseph Wood’s daughter Mary married John Stull 4/5/1804. In 1808, John’s father sold him tracts S1, S2, and another tract to the west of them, aggregating 430 acres, for £300 (DB9-526). In 1816 he sold John tract J5, 54 acres, for £50 (DB12-408). John and Mary Stull are listed in the 1820 Botetourt census with one boy 10-16, one girl 10-16, and one boy less than 10 years old. Mary Stull is not listed in the 1850 census. This census gives ages for John Stull (70), George (33), and Sarah (30) that disagree with the 1820 census and other information [S077].
John Stull died in 1854 of pneumonia. His will, written in 1850, left all his land to his son George, and divided his slaves and personal property between George and Sarah (WBI-215). He and Mary are probably buried in the Stull cemetery near Glen Wilton. This cemetery is so grown up, in a forest, that it is difficult even to find [S083].
In 1876 John’s son George Stull, ~70, sold his 800 acres of land to Mahlen Loomis for $5200, “reserving nevertheless an absolute right to occupy without rent...the dwelling house and other buildings and the land in cultivation...during the term and period of his natural life” (DB38-462). The deed was certified by Henry C. Douthat, a Justice of the Peace for Botetourt County. On 2/26/1880 Stull gave the same 800 acres (for $1) to Henry C. Douthat (did Loomis default on his payments?). The deed explains this was for “...the many past favors and advantages that the said George Stull has received from the said H. C. Douthat:...and also for the further and additional consideration that he the said H. C. Douthat will take the said George Stull to live with him the said H. C. Douthat and that he the said H. C. Douthat will board, clothe and support the said George Stull the remainder of his life and provide for his wants and necessities and to care for him the said George Stull as he the said H. C. Douthat would for a brother...” (DB40-87). Three weeks later (3/19/1880) Stull signed a will (describing himself as “in feeble health but of sound and disposing mind”) in which he divided his real and personal property equally between his sister, Sally Wingo, and his friend and Executor Milton J. Armintrout; Douthat is not mentioned (WBN-453). I am unclear about when he died.